Under the weather

Lil bub has been sick for 4 days.
Yesterday, we brought him to see the doctor again and the doctor gave him antibiotic as this tonsil has some infection.
Hari Ahad haritu doctor tengok ok lagi tonsil dia. Bengkak but no infection. I guess it is just a matter of time je to turn into infection. His temperature has not gone down till today.
As I’m typing right now, he still has blocked nose & a bit of temp. At least, not as bad as yesterday. He ate some rice tadi, and tak muntah.
Also, not as clingy as before. Kalau tak tu, time badan start panas je mula lah dia clingy — mintak dukung, nak this and that or trying to sleep but couldn’t get that best position.
Let’s hope for a better day tomorrow.
Get well soon, lil bub!

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