A new decade – 2020

Masa sekolah dulu nyanyi lagu Wawasan 2020 ni penuh semangat. But I always wonder if I ever make it to 2020. Alhamdulilah, masih lagi di beri kesempatan.

Well, macam biasa… tahun baru means kanak-kanak pun start sekolah lepas bercuti panjang. Umar is in standard 4 now, Khadijah is standard 2 and Abdurrahman going to be 2 years old next month. Wow! Sekejap je…

Tahun ni kena banyak bagi tumpuan pada Umar as he will starts to sit for exams. Dah tahap 2 kan. Tahap 1 sekarang takde exam except penilaian dalam bilik darjah. We are struggling to find Umar’s favourite… his focus span is very short, doesn’t like to read lengthy paragraphs, just don’t get me started with sifir. How do we go about this? Hantar kumon ke? I’ve always wanted to send him there… tapi husband macam hesitate. If I have the time & money in the world, memang berkeras je hantar. But we’ll see how it goes this year… his cousin pun start go to tuition masa std 4. I hope his father buying the idea of the need to send to extra class.

InsyaAllah, when there’s a will there will be a way.

I wanted to read a book actually while waiting for kids ni — jadi supir mom today, tapi terlupa capai buku pagi tadi. Almaklumlah, pagi hari pertama… kalut dia macam tak pernah manage kids pegi school 😅.

Semoga tahun 2020 ini lagi banyak membaca & menulis. My target is to write one entry per month and one book too, InsyaAllah.

Here’s to the brand new decade, new year, new motivation & passion!

Bye for now.

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