That very first experience

No words could describe my feelings on that day — the very special day.

It all started at 7am, we sent the kids to their school; Umar to SRA and Khadijah to her kindy without having any clue that it will be the last time they both see me with that huge hugeee tummy.

Arrived at the hospital around 7plus, for the weekly checkup. While waiting for our turn to be called, makan la roti pizza sekeping sebab lapar tak tertahan. Lately, memang selalu sangat laparr. Lapar yang tak boleh ditangguh-tangguh. Hehe.

I was so huge until the extend that I secretly told myself kalau baby engage je nak bagitau doctor nak terus induce. Tak larat dahhh. Tak larat segala-galanya. Weighing myself 68.9kgs at 38wks and 6days. Ingatkan mampu tandingi berat masa conceived Khadijah. I was 74kgs before being pushed to the labor room when I had her 😅.

Sampai je our turn to see doctor, macam biasa… ke machine sonogram je la tujuannya; to see kepala baby kat mana. Daripada sorang je doctor yang tengok, jadi 2 doctors. And they concluded; baby still transverse, placenta laying low which means kena check for contraction, and that particular doc was saying, “I cannot let you go home. You must be csect today, if possible — bcos you’ve already have contraction”.

Next thing I know, nurses pakaikan disposable cap, change my clothes and started to drip me. They counted the last meal I had, and estimated around 3/4pm I’ll be push to the OT. Segala-galanya terlalu cepat. Tak sempat nak buat apa sangat pun melainkan bagitahu family, bosses & colleagues that I’m done, waiting game is over. Hehee. Mujur kebetulan mak memang ada kat hospital. Met her just in time before being pushed to OT.

I was so so so scared, tell youuu!!! As a person whom never been in the OT, segala macam perasaan bersilih ganti. Kejap happy, sebab nanti dapat jumpa baby. Kejap kang rasa takut — sebelum being pushed to the OT of course la doc ada explain risk/complications of csect ni. Biasalah kan tu, standard procedure. Bila dengar tu yang glup glup gluppp!

I think the most crucial part was when husband and I parted our ways. I feel like I don’t want to let him go. Takuttt!

Arrived at the OT around 3ish, anaesthetic came and told me his name and explained what he gonna do. He looks so young tho. Must be younger than me. So, he did the epi thingy. I’m so shaky till the extent that I requested for someone to hold my hands while I bend. Ya Allah, sakitnya penangan epi tuu. Sampai lani rasa sengal-sengal dia.

Then, they started the procedure once I told them I didn’t feel a thing. Hearing all the sound in the room made me so nervous. I can actually see the doc cut me open sebab nampak reflection kat lampu atas. Tapi of course la tak tengok bila dia nak potong tu. Seram lah. I was shivering throughout the process. I kept looking at the clock while reciting zikr and doa.
I could hear the conversation that the doc told his assistant/nurses, “ok everyone be prepared for alot alot of liquor.”
Seconds after that someone replied and count how many litres of my amniotic fluid. It was 2.1litres!!! Haha. Banyaaaaakkk!

Then, the moment when he lifted the baby… rasa macam, huh lega ada benda dah keluar. I saw nurse carrying him outside but no sound. Panic la jugak bila takde sound tu, nak jerit kat doctor diorg macam buat tak tau. But not long after that baru lah dengar awang tu wailing. Kuatnyaaa!!! Hahaa. Nurse then brought him to my chest and ask me to recognise what gender my baby is. She then allow the baby latch for awhile before brought him out again.
Ahh, what an experience!


Kenangan; husband wearing a nurse cap — mama kena jab for 10 times

Will update on Abdurrahman & put up more pictures soon, InsyaAllah!

Till then… Happy Chinese New Year to those celebrating! Gong Xi! Gong Xi!

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